Monday, August 20, 2007

Union of Minority Neighborhoods Communique

Hello Friends and Supporters:

We are heading into some very exciting times. The issue of CORI reform is more vital than ever, and there is movement around the state building towards movement on the Public Safety Act of 2007 (HR 1416). We just wanted to give you a brief update on some things that are ongoing.

Have you been denied a job because of a CORI?

Do you have a resume that proves your work skills?

The Boston Workers Alliance and the Union of Minority Neighborhoods are collecting hundreds of resumes from people who have been denied a job because of their CORI.

Help the movement to reform CORI by donating your resume to our Resume Bank. If you work with people who have CORIs, see if they want to be part of the CORI Resume Bank.

1) Be seen, be heard and be counted! Once we collect enough resumes, we will deliver them to the State House to bring attention to the wasted potential of our workforce due to the CORI.

2) Be notified of any job opportunities that match your work experience

3) If you do not have a resume and you need help creating one, contact us and we will do our best to help you.

Drop your resume off at:

City Councilor Chuck Turner's Office in Dudley Square, 51 Roxbury Street, Roxbury

Or email your resume to

For any questions, leave a message for Aaron at the BWA at (617) 359-0336 or Sean at UMN at (617) 257 2962.


We at UMN have recognized the unique needs of women who are affected by CORI. A new group called Sisters United has formed to provide an opportunity for women to gather together, develop their collective strength, and organize for political and economic empowerment.


WHEN: 1ST AND 3RD Monday of Every Month
WHERE: Harriet Tubman House
566 Columbus Ave.
Boston, Ma 02118

Call Jackie Lageson for details: (617) 201-3238 or email


50th Anniversary of the integration of Central High School.

Celebrate the lives & achievements of those in Little Rock who helped spark the struggle against segregation .

September 23rd @ The Freedom House in Dorchester

Call UMN for more details: (617) 541-4111

Enjoy the rest of the summer and we look forward to seeing you at one of our many upcoming events.


Union of Minority Neighborhoods
83 Highland St.
Roxbury, Ma 02119
(617) 541-4111

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